Mom's Journal

Documentation on the childhood journey of my son, Thomas Nolan, and our family

Thursday, June 04, 2009

1 year old toddler girl and 1 year old (almost) toddler boy

It's more than 2 weeks since their birthday and I still cannot believe the twins are a year old. It has just gone by so fast. We had two gatherings for them - one at home on their actual birthday with Emmett, Thomas and I (of course), and their 'Ma (Ann, Emmett's stepmom), Cristine and Noah. I made mac n cheese, Caesar salad and vanilla cake with cream cheese frosting. It was really nice and the babies seem to have a good time. They did do a little bit with unwrapping their presents, but mostly they just seemed happy to be getting so much attention. Thomas "helped" them out by unwrapping most of their presents.

The following Sunday we had a pool party at the Brisbane pool with friends from Thomas's soccer team, my cousin Mark, Cristine, Chris and Noah, Henry, Sara and was also a lot of fun. I've gotten more and more into keeping it simple over the years. I used to do all this crazy cooking and over the years I've gradually whittled it down so that this year I just made a Costco run and grabbed a deli tray from the meat guys next door and - voila! - sandwiches and chips and a 1/2 flat of organic strawberries and we were good to go. I was going to at least bake the cake but then wussed out at the last minute and bought that at Costco too.

We're leaving in a week for Washington D.C. I'm getting pretty excited. Thomas may be a bit on the young side, but hopefully he'll have a good time visiting the monuments, etc.

Here's some pics, I better get back to the twins before they tear the house apart. Just click on the photo below and it will take you to the birthday album:



  • At 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can't believe that they're 1. So cute too! :) I saw the pix, I love the hoodie with the dress, what a fashion statement. LOL! Joanna


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